a new chapter for your story
The Road to Freedom
We know what it’s like to have experiences that leave you feeling hurt, disappointed, and stuck. Overcoming your past and taking steps of faith isn’t exactly an easy process. For most of us, it’s two steps forward and one step back. And because it’s a difficult journey, it’s impossible to do it alone.
That’s where we come in. At Reset, we’ve created a path for you to heal from the past and gain new skills to move forward. Here, you’ll find a community of people who have faced similar challenges and are walking alongside one another on the road to freedom. If you’re ready to become who you’re meant to be, you’ll be in good company at Reset. Come on in.
Here’s What We Can Promise You

What People Are Saying
I lead a non-profit organization in Flagstaff AZ devoted to those experiencing homelessness. We took our leadership team to the Reset Retreat at Reset Ministries. It was off the charts beautiful, healing, life transforming and some will never be the same. Everyone needs to spend time devoted to deep inner healing with the Holy Spirit. This will become part of everything we do going forward. God wants to see His people set free and totally healed. Few are gifted in this sort of work. Reset Ministries is comprised of called apostolic leaders who have no agenda but God’s! Run… don’t walk to the next retreat.
I have worked under and beside the leadership of Reset for 8 years. One thing I know: there is only a love and desire for ALL to be healed and set free! Reset Ministries is about finding hope in all that feels lost. It is about growth, healing, and being set free from the lies of the enemy. Reset represents God in all things. Learn to hear from God and let go of the hidden hurts of your past and present through the leadership and ministry of Reset Ministries! The facilitators have the empathy, wisdom, and training necessary to lead others into deep healing.
Reset Ministries is run by people with some of the greatest integrity and love I’ve ever seen. In every encounter I’ve had with them, love saturates every interaction. They communicate with clarity and bring everything back to being rooted in the Word of God and trauma-informed healing work. I can’t recommend them highly enough and hope to bring them to Michigan someday!
Reset has meant so much to my spiritual and emotional growth. A ministry that has given me the grace and truth I needed to get free and remain free. Everyone needs a trusted and safe place to process life and discover the path God has laid out for them!
Reset provides tools that I believe are beneficial to anyone regardless of where they are in their spiritual or mental health. Reset does a beautiful job of combining Christ with a psychological base and helps get to the root of issues rather than placing band-aids over things. Helping people see clearly who they allow them to have true and deeper relationships with others and God. Its design to help others become more self-aware and connect with others in a safe space is something so unique that I can’t help but think how much more of this the world needs and specifically the world of believers. I truly think what they are doing at Reset will help countless amounts of people. Reset has done a great job putting together programs that create self-awareness and growth while simultaneously building small safe groups to help grow a healthier community. I love their heart, faith, passion, dedication, wisdom, and mission.
Reset is overflowing with grace, truth, healing, and community. They are extraordinarily gifted to walk alongside those who need help. This place is heaven sent. God knew my heart needed a “Reset.”
I have never found a better place where one can feel safe. We all need a reset in life, no judgment, and pure love; where we gather together in community to learn more about God and how He loves us.
If you are looking for a safe place to connect with trustworthy and fun people, you have found it. Lots of soul food! Healing comes along with strong friendships throughout each group session.
I had found attending the “Reset Weekend experience” very helpful for processing and dealing with “soul” issues that were not yet resolved after years as a Christian. So when “Reset Together” as an additional ten-week processing experience was announced, I was thrilled. The anchor resource by John Townsend was so insightful about our needs as people, and the teaching about both grace skills in communication and truth skills helped me re-evaluate my own communication style—and gave place to practice improvements. Carissa’s carefully structured weekly teachings were insightful, and the small group response times helped each of us to be more honest and vulnerable. The community aspect of the course also affirming and challenging. The entire experience was time to “Grow in grace and the true knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (II Peter 3:18).