By attuning to body language, emotions, behavioral patterns, and relational cues, we can understand far more than what is being explicitly communicated.
Jamey Stiefel shares his personal journey of breaking free from the stronghold of legalism to embracing the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Looking back can take our eyes off what God has for our future, yet there are also times in Scripture and in our walk with God when looking back is a good thing.
What should we do if we discover we have wrong beliefs about God?
The story of Jonah being swallowed by a huge fish can seem unbelievable to many people, but when we enter the polytheistic world of the Ninevites, it makes a little more sense.
Jonah stands out among the prophets due to his questionable decisions despite being a prophet.
Learn about the ancient contemplative tradition of our faith and the three stages of our spiritual journey.
Explore the barriers to engaging in hard conversations and learn tools for navigating them effectively.
Things can go wrong when we become entangled with someone who mixes love with harm or when our affection for them overshadows our love for Jesus.
Once we have a spiritual breakthrough, we must be ready to face the enemy's backlash. His goal is to challenge our newfound freedom and regain the territory we have just gained in Christ.
Families are designed to reproduce themselves, and what happens in one generation often repeats itself in the next. That’s why our present experiences are often a window to the past.
God has designed us to experience post-traumatic growth on the other side of our suffering. While the crisis may come with pain, it can also be a gift if we're willing to embrace it.
Relationships are built on mutual trust and surrender, and the same can be said for our relationship with God. We can only experience true intimacy when we allow God full access to our lives.
When someone is a rigid thinker, their unmet expectations lead to frustration and often confrontation.
One of the first steps toward freedom is identifying the things that stand in the way of experiencing God's grace. When we find the courage to step out from behind the shadows we can experience the person of Grace and find the freedom our hearts desire.
Shame has a way of driving us into deeper and deeper darkness when, really, the only way to be free of its life-sapping power is to expose it in the light.
Sometimes, it may seem like miracles ended after the Bible was recorded, but God has never stopped working! The same God who performed miracles then is still working today.
Most of us are eager to reach our "greatest potential" and become who God created us to be. However, in order to prepare us to reach that potential, we must endure trials.
A dark night of the soul is a season in your spiritual life when God makes everything dark and obscure so that none of your old "tricks" to communicate with Him work anymore.
The more we think a certain way, the more automatic our thoughts become.
What is at the source of all you do? Check out this podcast episode to explore how the origin of our plans affects the outcome.
We are designed for meaningful relationships with life-giving people, but not everyone should have full access to our hearts.
God is nearest to us in our suffering, but we don't often recognize Him there. We can't see His hands moving because of the darkness, but they are delicately working on in that dark place.
There is a drawing by Sr. Grace Remington titled, “Mary Consoles Eve.” Eve is clutching the forbidden fruit with her head bowed low in shame. Her hair covers her naked body while the serpent is intertwined around her legs. Mary is attempting to look in her eyes, but Eve’s gaze is fixed on the hidden fruit in Mary’s womb.
If you are caught in a conflict, it can be hard to know which side to trust. You can usually discern the culprit from the true victim by paying attention to words.
Have you ever sensed distance in a relationship? Although it may be difficult to pinpoint, you can usually feel it when it exists. This post takes a closer look at this topic through the lens of the Last Supper and provides helpful tips for bridging that gap.
There is a season for everything under the heavens, and our perspective determines what we get out of each season in life.
Life is not without its troubles, but we can take comfort in the fact that God promised to be with us during these difficult times and use them for our good.
God created us for meaningful connections with safe people, but how can we tell who is safe?
Most of us want to be used by God for the good of the Kingdom, and yet sometimes, we can avoid the very callings He's placed on our lives.
You've probably heard the phrase, "God will never give you more than you can handle." And while this sounds catchy and encouraging, it isn't really Biblical.
Did you know you are one person but with three separate parts: body, soul, and spirit?
Have you ever felt confused about who was speaking to you, God or the devil? It’s one of the most frequently asked questions by believers.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could audibly hear the voice of God? It would make discerning His voice so much easier.
If something is truly conceived of God – a relationship, a calling, a business, a ministry – it’s far easier to kill when it’s a newborn than once it has become mature